Children work hard at their Santa letters – and it’s a memory worth keeping
We’re a bit behind this year so my kids have just written their letters to Santa. This was something I did every year as a kid and now my kids do it.
It personalises the whole thing and is fun and exciting – I can even justify it as writing practice seeing as the older kids have written letters at school or for homework this year!
Creating memories
I take a copy of their letters – photocopy or scan it – as their messages and spelling can be so creative I don’t want to lose them when we mail the letters to Santa. Their letters go into their scrapbooking albums (when I says their, I mean mine about them!) opposite the letters they receive from Santa to reinforce their memories later on.
I wish my mum had kept copies of the my old letters – I think it would be quite amusing to read them and they will make an interesting piece of history.
** The Love Santa letter template may help your children write to Santa, or read our tips on good letters.
PS I probably should say my kids LOVE getting letters back from Santa, too. Love Santa has helped us with this for the last 4 years – coming back for this year is how I foudn this blog, lol!
It’s great you and your kids enjoy writing to Santa, Michelle – Santa loves getting and reading the letters, too.
And we’re very pleased to have brought smiles to your kids’ faces over the last few years.
One of my kids wrote “Not getting,not alloud, but want badly: Tamagotchie”
Also requested was “money = $10.99” (not for any specific item to buy, it just seems like a good amount to ask for apparently!)
Amused us no end 🙂
That’s a fantastic idea – and I love that you keep copies of all the letters. 🙂