Christmas decorations often have a mix of sentimental and monetary value, so it is rare for people to get a whole new set of decorations every year (of course, if you think it is common, let me know!)
So that means each December/January we have to pack away those precious decorations and store them for another year.
Decorations can vary in shape and size, especially once you have a few hand-made treasures in the collection, so it can be a challenge to pack them. And then you have to allow for some being fragile and needing extra care in packing.
So how do you pack away your Christmas decorations – do you have any tips or secrets that could help everyone else this year?
My school decorations are packed into a plastic tub with a lid on it and storewd on a top shelf in the store room next to my classroom.
At home, I use a beautiful wooden glory box with decorations individually wrapped if fragile or neatly stacked otherwise. As the box doesn’t move, wrapping is less of an issue really.
I pack mine away in a big plastic tub. The precious and breakable decorations are inside boxes in the tub so they are all in one place. The tub and the Christmas tree are then stored in the roof, out of the way until next year.