I love Christmas, I love cooking and even more, I love looking at recipes! I came across this one recently – I haven’t yet tried it but I’m sure any chocoholics (like me!) will love this version of the traditional yummy mince tart…

700 g fruit mince (buy it or make your own)
300g dark chocolate, chopped
shortcrust pastry (See below)
120g white or milk chocolate, for decoration

Cut out 48 circles form the pastry

preheat over to 190

Push circles into greased patty tins (or use the bottom of muffin trays)

Sprinkle chocolate pieces on top until about half full

Spoon in the fruit mince

Bake for about 20 minutes – until pastry is golden

Once cooled, drizzle melted chocolate over the top

Shortcrust pastry

400g plain flour
80g caster sugar
250g unsalted butter
140g ground almonds
1 egg, beaten

Mix dry ingredients
add butter and rub into flour mixture
mix egg with 1 Tbs chilled water
blend in egg until forms a ball of dough – add more egg if necessary
knead dough until lower surface is smooth
ideally, cover and leave in fridge for 2 or 3 hours before use