… are often home-made, especially for Grandparents and aunts.

children stuffing sachets as gifts

When kids make gifts, they come from the heart. Like these scented sachets being made at home.

It started partly to be cheaper but it isn’t always the case.

What’s more important is that the kids put their time and love into it so it means so much more than some $5 soap or chocolate we could buy.

It also teaches them the real value and pleasure in gift giving. Aside from the giving bits, making gifts also entertains them in a positive way, teaches them crafty skills and IS FUN!

I’m looking for some new ideas for this Christmas, although we’re thinking of pots of herbs that the kids grow from seeds and maybe decorate the pots.

My children have already made…

  • stepping stones
  • dyed tea towels
  • photo frames (thanks for that idea on a Love Santa letter!)
  • painted pots of citronella candles

Has anybody got some other ideas they could share please?