Continuing on with the request for some Christmas recipes the very young can enjoy, here is another one that’s pretty easy to make. It is well suited to an Australian Christmas, but I think it can be eaten alongside a hot Christmas pudding and apple pie, too!

Christmas jelly

200 ml hot water
4 teaspoons gelatine
100ml red fruit juice
100ml green fruit juice
1 – 2 tablespoons chopped cherries or strawberries
1-2 tablespoons sliced grapes or kiwi fruit pieces

Dissolve 2 teaspoons of gelatine in 100ml hot water.

Stir into the red fruit juice.

Pour into a small bow or jelly mould. Add the grapes or kiwi fruit.

Put into the fridge to set.

Dissolve 2 teaspoons of gelatine in 100ml hot water.

Stir into the green fruit juice.

Pour into a small bow or jelly mould. Add the cherries/strawberries.

Put into the fridge to set.

Serve together, tipped onto a plate or straight into bowls.

In total, this makes about one metric cup of jelly which is a side serve for about two people or a few days’ supply for a baby or young toddler.


  1. juicing the fruit yourself is a much healthier option, but bottled juice works. Red juice can be cranberry or mix apple with raspberries, cherries and strawberries. Green juice can be made from kiwi fruit, apple and celery together, green grapes or a combination.
  2. you can of course use packets of jelly instead of gelatine and fruit juice but it has a lot more sugar and less satisfaction!
  3. stand your jelly bowl in a hot water for 30 – 60 seconds to make it easier to tip out once it’s set


Have you ever made your own jelly?

Surprised to find it is this easy? I know I was when I made it for my first baby – it’s such as easy thing to feed them but I didn’t want the sugar and additives of the commercial jelly.

Have you ever left a bowl of jelly out for Santa? I haven’t but it’s not a bad idea, especially if it’s hot on Christmas Eve!