green smoothie with red cherry - perfect for Christmas!Just for fun, make some Christmas themed fruit smoothies 🙂

Made cold, they can be very refreshing (and are a lot healthier than soft drinks and energy drinks!) and I’d prefer one to an eggnog any day 🙂

It can even be a nice drink to leave out for Santa – although if it is a warm night, maybe leave it in the fridge with a note to tell Santa to help himself!

If making one for a baby or toddler, it can effectively be their meal and you can add a bit of formula powder to add nutrients if you feel the need (personally, I think adding some banana is enough to give then plenty of vitamins and minerals).

A Christmas fruit smoothie

2 bananas
6 – 12 strawberries
2 kiwi fruit
sprinkle of cinnamon
1/2 cup plain or vanilla yoghurt (fruit yoghurt tastes nice but adds sugar)
500 ml milk

Quick version:

Put everything into a jug and use a blender to mash and mix it up.

Pour into two cups (or more smaller serves for kids) and drink.

Christmas version:

Put bananas, yoghurt, cinnamon and milk into a jug and blend.

Add strawberries and kiwi fruit blend on a low-speed but leave some small pieces of fruit (to show the Christmassy red and green 🙂 ).

Pour into cups and serve.