On Friday, I came across a recipe for Kids Sar Biscuits which looked tasty and easy.

So yesterday, I made the biscuits with my two and four year olds.

uncooked star and tree shaped biscuits on a tray

Ready to be cooked…

It was easy enough for them to manage – I had the butter very soft, almost melted, so it was easy for the kids to mix in the sugar.

The hardest part was containing their excitement to cut out even numbers of big/small shapes to be able to pair them later, so I just gave up and let them use whichever star and tree cutters they wanted to!

My four year old was a bit surprised when I put some biscuits on a plate to serve – “But we made them for Christmas!”

We will be making them again, and possibly to leave out for Santa

Star and Christmas tree biscutis cooling on a tray

All cooked and waiting to be eaten!