Images of children and teens enjoying a letter from Love Santa

Children of all ages enjoy getting mail and finding a Love Santa letter addressed to them

With only days to go, do you feel ready for Christmas?

Perhaps you were hoping to arrange a Santa letter for someone special but have just realised Christmas is almost here and you’ve not done it? It’s easy to let it slip with all the things that need doing at this time of year, but it is disappointing for any child to miss out.

Maybe you weren’t sure of the details to let us personalise a letter for the special child(ren) in your life, so kept putting it off until now it feels too late.

Love Santa letters are still available!

Well, you’re in luck! It IS too late to send anything via Australia Post before Christmas and a bit too close for us to write personalised letters at this stage.

However, we have prepared a non-personalised Love Santa letter for Aussie and Kiwi children that you can print off for them – pop it in an envelope in the letter box, hang it from the Christmas tree or have it sticking out of a stocking hung by the chimney, or any other creative presentation you think of!

Last minute Love Santa letters

Professionally written like all our letters, the non-personalised letter also refers to a warm Christmas and the boomers, and of course includes a craft idea and recipe for a Santa snack. We write a new letter every year (but you can still grab the non-personalised letters from 2012 and 2013 as well if you want three different letters – contact us for more than three!)

The more magic we can give children for Christmas, the better! (Did you know that Michael Grose believes Christmas magic is even more important for children than ever in this information age?)

Simply click on the button below to arrange for your downloadable Santa letter, and have a Merry Christmas!