There was a lot of excitement last night when my son opened flap ten of the Lego City advent calendar to find a Christmas tree! He enjoyed putting it together, placing it beside Santa’s seat and then ‘creating a scene’ (his words!) with all the parts of his calendar to date.

A Lego Christmas tree and Santa's seat (City advent calendar)

A lamp, a seat and a tree all waiting for Santa!

Combing a Lego girl's hair (Friends advent calendar)

Combing Lego hair!

On the other hand, my daughter was very disappointed to find she had nothing to make last night. That’s not to say she didn’t get much as she did – there was a bag of blue hair related items for her to play with instead. She has enjoyed brushing, combing and drying the Lego hair, and has added the crown and some hair accessories to one Lego girl so far.

By this morning, she was happy with what she got but still disappointed to not have built anything.

Lego skiier with hair accessories from the advent calendar

Lego Friends’ hair accessories on display

So again the calendars are fun but the City one is proving more engaging and closer to the idea of building Lego.

If you missed what the calendars gave us yesterday, you can catch up on day nine. Read the introduction to our Lego advent reviews for the whole picture.