Moving onto day nineteen of the Christmas count down! There are now five more flaps to open…
Lego Friends tonight may be small but offers lots of play options as it is a storage unit for ice-hockey sticks and pucks. My daughter was quite happy with the set, especially once she understood the pucks (initially she was upset at the lack of a ball!)
In a nice surprise, the Lego city calendar today gave my son a Lego girl! She is holding a cupcake (not an ice-cream!) and a mobile phone – I’d be happier if the phone wasn’t pink but it’s nice a girl was included my son’s set.

A Lego girl with a dog and snowman form the City advent calendar
Remember you can read introduction to our Lego advent reviews or catch up on day eightteen.
I love ice hockey.. I went to school up north so I am used to the cold and I love the times when you see people make the most of their environments, which I always think of hockey as. I love it in Lego form too.
Ice hockey is not something many Australians do – it takes effort to go to a rink and learn about the game as we don’t have frozen lakes for casual games! But I like that you see it as part of people making use of their environments, Larry.