collection of images from teh Lego 2016 advent calendars

As day ten was Saturday night, I left that review until tonight so day ten and eleven are together 🙂

The Lego City advent calendar produced a girl dressed for ice-hockey on day ten – my son was very excited to see her! The girl was on the side of the box to show the size of Lego pieces so he has been expecting her…

Two Lego characters ready for ice-hocket

Time for a game of ice-hockey…

While my daughter was ecstatic to put together a piano from the Lego Friends calendar – she has been looking forward to the piano as it is on the box (and I hoped it was more than just a prop on the background!). I love the fact there is sheet music and how the keys look real – it is based on a white grill piece as the white keys and the gaps look like black keys are there!

Lego girl at piano

Emma at the piano

Tonight, my daughter was extremely excited to find a purple guitar on a stand – purple is her favourite colour so she loves this guitar. “And it’s even a plug-in guitar, Mummy!” Both children are now planning a Lego band with their combined instruments and musical equipment from this advent calendar.

A purple Lego guitar

A purple Lego guitar

My son was pleased to get a bare tree (back to the winter concept of deciduous trees) with some Christmas lights on it.

Christmas lights on a Lego tree

Christmas lights on a tree

Back to day nine…