Everyone wants to be on Santa’s nice list when we get to Christmas Eve!

Santa decides if you were naughty or nice for the whole year…
But how do you make sure you are on that list?
Remember it is all year
Santa doesn’t just decide who’s naughty or nice on Christmas Eve, or even the last few days before Christmas – he remembers if you were mostly nice throughout the year.
So it’s important to try your best ALL YEAR not just near Christmas time 🙂
Doing good deeds
It’s a nice idea that we can be nice or good all the time, but in reality we’re human so we make mistakes and sometimes are not so nice.
But the best way to make up for any mistakes or naughty things is to do some good deeds whenever we get the chance.
Most good deeds can be done very quickly and with little effort, but can have a huge impact on the people around us (and our chances of making it onto Santa’s nice list!)For instance, smiling at a lonely person can lift their spirits and picking up a dropped pen for someone with a bad back is very helpful.
Nobody has to know about it for it to count as a good deed, either, so picking up rubbish in an empty park is just as relevant as holding a door open for someone.
Nice things that Santa notices
In case you are wondering what good deeds or nice things you could do (or to acknowledge in others), I thought I’d share some of the good things Santa wrote to Aussie children about last Christmas.
- being a great brother/sister
- writing cards/letters to a sick person
- giving away some toys and books to children who need them
- doing your best at school/kinder/sport
- teaching something or helping others learn
- tidying your room
- looking after pets
- being kind to others
- helping Mummy/Daddy/other at home
- listening to your teacher
- making people smile
- always looking after your friends
- using good manners most of the time
- doing homework without being asked
- sharing your (special toy/game)
- watering the plants or helping in the garden
- working hard to learn new things
- collecting the mail each day
- being affectionate (giving mum/dad/others cuddles and so on)
- being reliable and honest
- helping dad train
- being brave at the doctor/hospital
- being generous
- not giving into yourself (staying clam, not loosing your temper)
- making things for people (especially drawing pictures)
- writing thank you notes
- including everyone in your games
*Image created with images from 123RF ( ragnarocks & nazlisart)