2016 Lego Friends & City advent calendar boxes

2016 Lego Advent calendars

Yesterday, I bought two Lego advent calendars – the City Advent calendar and the Friends Lego Advent calendar.

So for anyone in doubt (like Clair02), Lego is definitely doing advent calendars again in 2016!

My kids don’t know we have them yet but I’m sure they will be very happy on 1 December when they come out of the cupboard! I hadn’t really planned to get them yet but I saw them both in the shop on the weekend and cheaper than I’ve seen them before so…

I especially couldn’t resist when I saw how Christmassy the City calendar this year is – featuring Santa in his sleigh won votes from me

The question…

So now the question is whether or not I do a daily review of the calendars this year?

Last year, I did an (almost) daily review of the calendars which was fun. But would it better to just do it every second day, or once a week? What would you prefer to read?

Back of lego Friends & City advent calendars for 2016

Lego Advent calendar boxes give a sneak peak of what’s inside – and the Friends calendar has special surprises on a few days, too.