So how many unwanted presents did you get for Christmas?
Most of us try hard to give gifts someone wants to get, but not everyone gets it right so we sometimes (often?) get gifts that are not useful or not suitable for us.

Dealing with unwanted presents after Christmas
What do you do with unwanted presents?
Seriously, what do you do with those presents? Let us know in the comments as we all come across this issue from time to time!
I can’t say I’ve tried all of these, but here are some ideas for those presents when you can’t openly improve the situation…
- take them to a shop and exchange them – particularly useful for swapping clothing sizes/colours or book titles.
- regift them if someone else would truly appreciate the gift
- swap the item with someone who wants it – maybe they got a present you would like!
- go to a swap shop session where the community can exchange unwanted gifts, such as run in Stevenage, UK, for Christmas 2015
- put them in a cupboard to collect dust – not my preferred option and not really a good use of resources…
We use any gifts we do not want for “the Number Game”. Some people call this game “The White Elephant Game”. What I do, is put any unwanted gift up and out of site, so, if I need a gift, I check there first, then, when the holidays come around, I usually have plenty of gifts for “the Number Game”! If we still have the same gift after 2 Christmases, we donate the gift.
Hey Fancy Fingers, so you just give it to someone else? Or am I missing a game element? But great to know you find a use or donate them 🙂