Day twelve seems it should have some significance, given the 12 days of Christmas song and traditions!

Ornament calendar

Behind tonight’s ornament, we found that Merrit has a green elf friend! The two elves are ringing the Christmas bells, and we got to make a bell to hang on the ornament tree.

Press out ornament advent calendar day two

Lego City

More suitable in an Aussie summer than a northern winter, today my son made an ice-cream stand from behind flap 14. It does look a little strange near the woman with a snow shovel, but it is a cute little stand and has tempted us all to grab an ice-cream…

Lego ice-cream stand

Lego Friends

This is another of those advent calendar items you just have to ask why? Tonight, my daughter found the pieces to make a large, blue trophy – although my husband was reminded of the Star of David and a Hanukkah candelabra. I’m wondering it this is again a representation of one of the Friends, but surely we could have a symbol of her sport instead of the winning cup?

Anyway, it is colourful and took a bit more skill to construct so my daughter is happily adding this to her collection of decorations.

A Lego trophy cup decoration

Christmas book

Tonight we are going to enjoy reading Santa’s busy night and look for the details in the illustrations (given the plot is a little simple for us non-toddlers!)

Christmas countdown day twelve