We’re ahead of schedule this year and my children have already made their gifts to go their classmates!

This year, we have made Christmas bauble hair ties for the girls and Christmas tree ornaments for the boys. Next we just have to write out all the cards and attach the gifts…

Here are the final results…

Christmas bauble hair ties

A simple craft but hopefully something the girls will appreciate, we made some bauble hair ties. I had some boxes of little Christmas baubles, got some plain hair elastics and a glue gun.

Normally, the kids make these gifts but as they were busy with the ornaments and grandparent presents I started these – and given the hot glue, it was safer anyway.

baubles and hair elastics ready for craft

Using the hot glue gun, I added a dob of glue at the top of each bauble – choosing a point between the join mark on both sides of the bauble holder so there is no line showing in the final result.

adding glue to a Christmas bauble

It was then a simple act of popping the hair tie into the dob of glue and holding it briefly so the glue sets.

Christmas bauble glued to a hair elastic

It didn’t take very long to create the entire pile of hair ties, ready to give to the girls in my children’s class.

pile of Christmas bauble hair ties


Christmas tree ornaments

It is a little sexist, but assuming that the boys don’t want a hair tie for Christmas (none of them have long hair anyway!), we made something different for them. I found some simple plaster ornament sets in Kmart so the kids have a lovely afternoon painting the decorations for their teachers and classmates.

box of plaster ornaments, unpainted

The set came with paints and paintbrush so it was an easy set up activity, although we added some of our existing paints on a paint palette as well.

images of children painting ornaments

Here is the collection of complete ornaments. I ended up  painting some as my daughter lost interest – perhaps you can spot which had  my input!

painted Christmas ornaments on display

In case you want further ideas, here are some of the gifts we have made in previous years…

shiny Christmas baubles

Foam Christmas decorations

Christmas stars

Christmas magnets

Cardboard Christmas tree decorations

Christmas hair ties (similar idea to this year obviously, but they looked quite different)


Class Christmas gifts for 2018