Tinkles is much smaller than us so it seems fair that she prefers smaller food portions than us…

CHristmas elf's food shrinking machine with the elf and lollies

Apparently, Tinkles created a food shrinking machine overnight. Then she proceeded to make herself some elf-sized marshmallow and freckles treats! This is something of a highlight of Tinkles’ behaviour over the month as far as my kids are concerned – they loved looking at the machine and tiny food portions.

CHristmas lying besdie her food shrinking machine and lollies

My son determined she used an empty Lindt box (maybe that’s her excuse for eating our chocolates? LOL!) to create her machine. Further, he figured that the tab designed for closing the box is what pushes down on the large food to force it into the smaller size. I love how he investigated the box carefully to decide this, all without touching the box or Tinkles!

The family decision is that Lindt boxes are a bit magic already so Tinkles was clever to use that box when making her machine. Although we started wondering if Lindt balls start much larger in the Lindt factory…

Tinkles shrunk the food!