“I found Tinkles because there was a marshmallow on the floor”

That proclamation form my daughter this morning was surprising to say the least!

SO it turns out that there was a marshmallow on the floor in front of the freezer which lead her to open the freezer and find Tinkles – I suspect Tinkles had left the marshmallow there as  ‘bread crumb’ to help herself be found.

Inside the freezer, Tinkles had been busy building an igloo from marshmallows around Baby Elf!

Christmas elf making a marshmallow igloo in the freezer

Personally, I’d be a bit cold sitting in the freezer, but both elves seemed happy enough – guess they’re used to the cold from the North Pole! And this time, Tinkles wasn’t trusting a cold climate activity anywhere outside an icy environment!

Christmas elf making a marshmallow igloo in the freezer

Building an igloo for Baby Elf