Decorating a door adds to Christmas cheer and laughs!
I love this idea currently underway at my children’s school. Each class is decorating the outside door of their class, making the entire school look festive and happy whilst also expressing the personalities of the students themselves.
I don’t know the details, but apparently the school is doing it as a competition between classes (and resulting in some kids taking it a bit too seriously rather than in the spirit of Christmas). And then it turns out that they aren’t allowed to stick anything on the glass doors in the new classrooms so some classes decorated a large board instead!
It could be done without the competitive elements – imagine every house in your street decorating their door, or each bedroom in your house, or each office at your work, and so on! I think if I run a Christmas door activity though, I will make a home made rule like our school has so everyone has to get creative rather than buy the fanciest decoration available, and that everyone ‘inside that door’ has to contribute so it is a team effort.
While I didn’t manage to get photos of very room, I wanted to share those doors I did capture…
Foundation and Year 1 doors…
Year 4 doors…
Years 5 and 6 doors …

The older students created a scene rather than each student sticking to a class image. I do think this scene is cute though!