It’s the 14th so that means we’ve had another 7 days of checking on our elves’ mischief…
Day 8 – Tinkles was sitting with some junk mail this morning, circling items. I assumed they were items she wanted for Christmas, but my kids believe she was present shopping and that Tinkles is getting me some chocolate spoons!
Meanwhile, Ginger was taking a ride on a toy turtle…
Day 9 – We are building a Lego elf house as a family. Ginger has found it and put herself down for a nap on the top bunk in their bedroom!
Tinkles was being productive making fruit mince with a mortar and pestle! Not a traditional technique (or mix of fruits to be honest!), but she is trying to help!
Day 10 – Ginger was found swinging on the Christmas tree with Santa!
It was after school that the kid spotted Tinkles – to be fair, she is a bit more obvious when coming into the house than from inside…
I do love the bright red and green wreath on our door, and Tinkles the elf blends into it nicely!
Day 11 – Ginger was on the window sill beside a little gingerbread house, with a couple of reindeer and snowflakes.
Tinkles was sitting innocently with a note for the children “For today’s treat, see Daddy’s feet”. So everyone visited Daddy in bed to find…
Day 12 – The elves must have felt active overnight as they were both out for a ride … Ginger was astride a boomer while Tinkles was riding a hobby-reindeer.
Day 13 – Tinkles dressed herself as Santa, complete with beard! She sat beside Santa cuddling Ginger on our mantlepiece with a letterbox (maybe a hint to get letters to Santa sent urgently?)
However, her boots didn’t fit her properly so she left us a note “Ooops – I ordered my boots online and they don’t fit 🙁 But do you like my Santa suit?”
Day 14 – Game day today! Tinkles and a Boomer are playing hockey (a sport my daughter has enjoyed trying at school this term).
Ginger on the other hand had pushed through all the bubbles of a rainbow poppit.
What have your elves been up to in the last week?