Gifting money as a gift can be very practical, but looks a bit boring next to other presents under tree!
Last week, we gave you 7 different ways to present cash as a present beyond just shoving it in an envelope (with or without a card). But we have a whole heap more ideas for you to choose from!
Making cash more fun!
Here are some more ideas for gifting money creatively…
- put the cash into a bag and then cover it in cooled, melted chocolate! For more fun, make it into a dome or ball so when they smash it, the money is found.
- make a bonbon and put the money inside – along with a joke and token gift perhaps!
- give a gift of a jigsaw puzzle, pack of cards or a board game and pop the cash inside the box for them to find when they play the game. But make sure it’s something they will try reasonably soon!
- It sounds obvious, but how about putting the money into a piggy bank? A themed one is even better! They get to unwrap the piggy bank and have some cash for choosing their own present.
- I haven’t tried this, but you could freeze the money and give some cold hard cash for Christmas! Freeze water in layers, adding money in between to make it interesting. On a hot day, they may get their cash fast – or you could provide a hammer or small pick for older recipients so they can ‘dig for cash’!
- Hide the cash inside something so it is totally unexpected…
- roll it and place it where the batteries should go in a torch
- unroll a toilet roll and place notes in layers as you carefully reroll it (this will take time to get it looking right!)
- lay some on a flat rubbish bag then roll the bag (or linked bags) so it looks like you’ve given a rubbish present!
- cut a hole in a candle to tuck the money into
- Replace some chocolates in a box with some cash, maybe folded into a flower shape if you can manage it. Of course, the upside to this one is that you may have to eat some chocolates as you wrap your gift!
- tie notes to the supports within an umbrella so when it is opened, it is ‘raining money’ on their head!
- wrap notes around some crayons and place them back inside the box
- Arrange the notes so they resemble a bunch of flowers or a tree. This would also work if gave some vouchers as well
Alternatively, tie notes to real flowers or leaves – you could then give a money tree! A cute way to give a Christmas tree gift as well as the cash, maybe? - Fashion the money into a shape that represents what the money is for and attach it to a card or in a frame. So form a car, house, animal, plane, cradle, or a instrument.
- wrap the money in layers of paper, like a game of pass the parcel. You can make it trickier with LOTS of sticky tape on some layers or a layer or two of cling wrap!
- spread the cash out as slices of pizza
- put the money inside a clear bauble and hang it on the tree! Or make some paper ornaments with a little pocket to pop the cash in, then hang them all over the tree
- pin the notes onto a Christmas wreath
- in between some cards of interest – Pokémon, football, cricket, etc
- Fill a salad bowl with notes (roll the $20 notes into balls as the tomatoes) and just offer them a salad for Christmas!
What other ways can cash be presented as a fun gift?