Christmas is a wonderful celebration, but not everyone looks forward to it.
Taking the opportunity to help people have a great Christmas is a great way to share the spirit of Christmas. By giving to others, we helps others, feel good, and set an example of people around us – including our children.
Ideas for how to give this Christmas
There are many ways to give to others, and many don’t cost much at all. Hopefully, this list of giving ideas will inspire you to find options that suit you.
- smile at everyone you pass – it can make a huge difference to their day and probably makes you happier, too!
- be nice to everyone working in retail – leading up to Christmas, it is a tough job and not everyone is patient and considerate
- invite a lonely person or two to dinner or a Christmas function – and consider inviting them on Christmas Day
- volunteer somewhere to help people – serve food, collect donations, pack charity hampers
- add some items under a Wishing Tree or to a local charity
- put together a handbag for Share the dignity
- give a charity gift – like a duck from Oxfam, vaccinations for children in poverty, a literacy pack for disadvantaged kids, or clean water for people in emergencies.
- check in on elderly and lonely neighbours – just a hello, a Christmas card, a plate of biscuits, or a cuppa can make a huge difference in their day
- make sure to thank the organisers of any community events and let them know how much you enjoyed it
So what will you give this Christmas season?