Tinkles and Ginger and definitely back and having some fun as only Christmas elves can!
5 days of fun…
Here is some of what our elves have been up to so far this December…
Sweet wrapping…
So Ginger was hard to spot in amongst the green and red m&ms but she is very cute in there.
It was lovely to see Tinkles helping out by wrapping some Christmas presents for me. She was wrapping books when we found her – Yule not open this book, Dear Santa, The Hungry Caterpillar, and A Snugglepot and Cuddlepie Christmas should make some young relatives happy on Christmas Day!
Ahoy there elves!
Tinkles (in her high vis vest!) and Ginger are going out on the seas in a Lego ship and safety boat.
Game day for elves
The elves set themselves up for some more conventional fun with some 10 pin bowling and foosball! We also noticed an extra elf had arrived to play with them!
Just hanging around Christmas
Tinkles and Ginger were found hanging upside down on their red swing on the Christmas tree.
Around the Christmas tree
Tinkles was a bit cheekier here – she and Charlotte have opened a box of bonbons and helped themselves! One has already been pulled so Charlotte has a yellow paper hat on her head and they attempt to pull a second bonbon! Just as well we had more bonbons than we have people on Christmas Day… Unfortunately, the joke was only funny if you know that Andy Murray is a Scottish tennis player who was world number 1 for 41 weeks.
Ginger was hiding in plain sight – sitting in a platypus Christmas ornament on our Aussie themed Christmas tree.
What have your elves been up to? Maybe the above antics will inspire your elves to have some fun, too 🙂