It is getting close now – one week to Christmas Eve and Santa’s arrival Down Under to help create some more Christmas memories.
As Santa is flying across Australia, our Air Control Towers will be keeping planes and other air traffic out of Santa’s way so there are no nasty surprises for anyone.
Apparently, Santa has a new sleigh with added safety features – you can see pictures of Santa and diagrams of his sleigh (click on the labels below the diagram for a full explanation) on the Air Services website’s Santa pages.
Due to this being the most popular flight in Australia, Air Services will continue tracking Santa’s progress everyday until Christmas.
That’s fantastic! I love the flight plan Santa has submitted:)
I wish I had found this site and this blog before school ended today – the kids would have loved this and we could have started some great discussions from the Christmas/Santa memories.
Someone remind me to use them next year, lol!
That site is fantasic – and the gifts into chimneys game is a little addictive!