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We share lots of Christmas related ideas, recipes and crafts in the Love Santa blog. You are welcome to comment or submit your own Christmas stories, too.

Blue Peter advent crown memory

collage of photos showing a tinsel covered Christmas decorations with candles

I remember watching the TV show Blue Peter as a kid. That was in England – I’m not sure if you watched it in Australia.

I always knew it was almost Christmas when Blue Peter started lighting candle on the candle garland (or maybe it was called  an advent crown?) It was made of metal coat hangers and tinsel, and so many kids I knew made one at least once!

If you would like to create an advent crown of your own, the Blue Peter site has the instructions.

Lighting the candles at school

When I was first teaching, the school had an advent crown which the Head would light during assembly.

One year she lit the candle nearest to her then reached to light one further away, setting her sleeve on fire in the process. She was TOTALLY unaware of what she had done!

The pianist leapt up and patted her sleeve fire out, only to be greeted by the Head saying indignantly, “Mrs ***** what on earth are you doing. Stop it!!!!”

Such was the children’s fear/love (or whatever it was) of the Head, not one of them laughed, gasped or did anything – unlike the staff who were biting their cheeks! True story – one of many!!!

Blue Peter advent crown memory

December and summer have arrived!

It is the first of December and that means summer and Christmas!

We woke this morning to find a wreath on our door, with a Christmas mat in front of the door and the excitement that only December can bring!

Collage of photos representing 1 December! A red wreath on a front door, Christmas elves in a Christmas tree with a letter, and 3 advent calendars (jewellery, chocolates and candles)

Christmas elves

Christmas elf and baby with a letter from Santa on a Christmas tree

Do you think they giving us a hint by bringing the Christmas tree and decorations down and sitting on them? Of course, now we can’t put up the tree until tomorrow when they get off it!

Tinkles and Ginger are back out of quarantine!

There was also a letter from Santa and a gift for each of the children, including a silver bracelet for my daughter (the relevance of which is revealed below!!)

Advent calendars

Of course, it also means the start of advent calendars. This year, we have a simple chocolate calendar for my son (who also got a special gift) and a combination of calendars for my daughter. She is getting a bracelet advent calendar and a 12-day candle calendar – each candle has another element of her bracelet.


December and summer have arrived!

Strawberry condensed milk biscuits ~ recipe

With the glut of strawberries this year and their bright red colour, it seemed a good ingredient to try baking with something red & white this Christmas… I hope you enjoy these easy-to-make, no-egg strawberry biscuits.

Red & white Christmas biscuits


228g unsalted butter, softened
1 tin (395g) condensed milk – about 2 cups
4 teaspoons vanilla essence
2 cups plain flour
4 teaspoons bicarb soda (or baking powder will work)
3 drops red food colouring (optional)
225g strawberries
3/4 cup white chocolate chips/bits
3 tablespoons green sanding or sparkling sugar (optional)


Cut up the strawberries into 6 to 8 chunks:

Chopped up fresh strawberries for baking with

Turn on the oven at 160°C, and grease a biscuit tray.

Cream the butter until it is a light yellow colour.

Add the condensed milk and vanilla, then mix thoroughly.

Stir in the flour and bicarb soda.

Gently fold in the strawberries and chocolate chips. Then add in the food colouring and mix lightly so you get a marbled red & white effect. Alternatively, to have all red biscuits, add in the food colouring before the strawberries and chocolate. And add more food colouring if you want brighter red biscuits!

Red & white Christmas biscuit dough before and after adding red food colouring

Put tablespoons of biscuit dough onto the tray.

Sprinkle green sanding sugar over the biscuits to complete the Christmas colours. However, simple red & white biscuits are just as pretty if you don’t have any sanding sugar, or don’t want the added sugar!

A baking tray of dough in the process of becoming red & white Christmas cookies made with fresh strawberries!

Pop them in the oven for about 10 minutes.

Cool on a baking tray for about 5 minutes.

Red & white Christmas biscuits on a baking tray - made from strawberries and without eggs

I hope you enjoy these red & white Christmassy biscuits! If they work out well, we’d love for you  to share some photos.

Strawberry condensed milk biscuits ~ recipe

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Christmas – Christmas book review

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Christmas

picture of a lighthouse with a star on top - front cover of a children's Christmas book called the lighthouse keeper's Christmasby Ronda Armitage
illustrated by David Armitage
Scholastic Ltd, London, 2014 (first 2002)

Age group:
Format: 32 page picture book

Have you read stories about Mr Grinling, the lighthouse keeper? It is a popular book and this Christmas addition to the series is welcome for many fans!

The story

Mr Grinling is about to retire from being a Lighthouse Keeper. So he and his great-nephew George clean and decorate the lighthouse for Christmas, only to get trapped there by a storm.

My Christmas book review

For those who have read about Mr Grinling the lighthouse keeper before, this is a lovely Christmas addition to the series started over 30 years ago. In all, there are 8 lighthouse keeper books by Ronda and David Armitage.

George and Mr Grinling were unprepared to stay on the Island, and are sad to be missing Christmas Day. Hunger also makes them sad to be missing Christmas lunch!

As part of their making the best of a remote Christmas, the pair write letters to Santa, even a last minute one which stuck to a window, and see a response. As an adult, I did wonder if it would be safe enough for Santa to visit the lighthouse in that storm, or if it perhaps would have been better to let George know they would get stockings when they go back to the mainland if Santa didn’t make it to the lighthouse. But that’s just me!

Boy looking out of a lighthouse window as a seagull flies past - inner page of the lighthouse keepers christmas picture bookMrs Grinling discovers they are trapped and does her best to bring Christmas to them. Even the seagulls got into the spirit of Christmas by helping the Christmas lunch arrive at the lighthouse!

I can’t avoid mentioning there were some inconsistencies we noticed – one basket produced two roasts, a dish of vegetables, bonbons and more for Christmas lunch; Mrs G sent food over twice, but didn’t notice one load was lost so there was little food overnight (made it more exciting though!); the seagulls were altruistic for Christmas but mindless when they took lost food. Children won’t worry about these details and they didn’t detract from the story, but I did notice them.

Would I recommend The Lighthouse Keeper’s Christmas? Yes! This is a lovely Christmas book with positive lessons, happy pictures and some Santa magic so I think it is great for many ages.

The Lighthouse Keeper\'s Christmas - Christmas book review

Elves are back… in quarantine!

They’re back! It’s one week to December and that means 7 day quarantine starts today!

Our elves, Tinkles and Ginger, arrived overnight and are isolating in our family room. They brought their own sanitiser, tissues and toilet paper, plus a sleeping bag to stay comfy.

Two CHristmas elves in a clear box for quarantine

Even though there are no COVID cases in the North Pole and our borders are opening up, Santa and our elves decided a quarantine period was still a good idea. Or maybe Tinkles and Ginger just wanted an excuse to spend another week watching us!

Obviously, quarantine is not an easy word so Tinkles struggled spelling it before giving up and writing they will be alone for 7 days! Here is her note:

Childish handwriting on red paper says "7 day alone then we play. Love Tinkles & Ginger" Also has two failed attempts to spell quarantine!

“7 day quarantine (alone) then we play! Love Tinkles & Ginger”

Has your elf made an appearance for 2021 yet?

Elves are back... in quarantine!

The crayons’ Christmas ~ Christmas book review

The Crayons’ Christmas front and back covers of The Crayons' Christmas

by Drew Daywalt
Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers
HarperCollins Children’s Books, Great Britain, October 2019

Age group

5-10 year olds


32 page hardcover book

I have enjoyed reading The Day the Crayons Quit and the Day the Crayons Came Home, so I loved the idea of watching Duncan’s crayons at Christmas as well – and I wasn’t disappointed!

inner page of Crayon's Christmas with a puzzle in an envelope

The story

Duncan’s crayons are having fun in the lead up to Christmas and receiving letters and parcels. In each envelope for a crayon is something for readers to find and play with…

My review

Our crayon friends are enjoying December. They make Christmas cards, sing Christmas carols, put up Christmas decorations, wrap presents and even put on a Christmas play. All activities children may be doing at home and school as well, which makes it relatable for them to read. Although a day playing in the snow is not that common in Australia just before Christmas!Game board and pages of The Crayon's Christmas picture book

The envelopes and parcels include things like a paper crayon with clothes (this one made me laugh), a game board, some Christmas decorations to hang, and a dreidel.

I love the hidden bits of humour throughout the book and activities. For instance, in the Great Crayon Holiday Race, you could loose your wrapper, melt to underwear or have Picasso admire your artwork! Not to mention melting away from stress and an aged candy cane. I did cringe at a dad joke or two though…

There are actually a few reminders about being nice to each other as well – gaining moves in the game through being considerate, giving gifts, and sharing gifts.

The world tour map from some travelling crayons is, ah, interesting! Who knew the Great Wall of China was in Africa? But the continents are correctly labelled so it can be a useful map for discussions around the world and where landmarks actually belong.

Pop up Christmas tree within The Crayon's Christmas picture book

{Spoiler alert} At the end, the crayons gave Duncan a special Christmas gift in the form of a Christmas tree pop up

Would I recommend The crayon’s Christmas? Yes, I heartily recommend this book for a range of ages as it is fun, made me laugh and has additional activities and surprises within. A great Christmas gift or addition to your Christmas bookshelf.

The crayons\' Christmas ~ Christmas book review

Deck the halls ~ Christmas movie review

A cold night called for a movie, so we tried a Danny De Vito Christmas movie, Deck the Halls, and had a few laughs.

movie cover for Deck the Halls starring Danny DeVito and Matthew BroderickDeck the halls

Movie duration: 1 hour 33 minutes
Movie made: December 2006

Buddy Hall (played by Danny De Vito) and his family move next door to a small town optometrist, Steve Finch (Matthew Broderick).

Steve is a quiet man who likes things just so. Steve is the local Christmas day, helping the ton run their Winterfest each year. Buddy is more extraverted and gets bored quickly.

Buddy’s daughters discover you can see houses on Google Earth – but buddy’s new house isn’t showing. So he reacts by adding some Christmas lights to his house so it becomes more visible! Of course, it becomes extreme and attracts a lot of attention to their street. Steve predictably doesn’t appreciate the lights nor the attention…

The house really was lit up, using 14,300 LED lights! They made a digital skin over the roof. Yet, the satellite still couldn’t pick up the house… Light covered house from Deck the Halls movie, complete with a waving face on the roof!

There are a number of incidents between the two men, and they become very competitive including a Stephen Bradbury moment to amuse us Aussies! Their wives, meanwhile, become friends and get annoyed with their husbands’ behaviour. A family Christmas is now threatened for both Buddy and Steve.

The cast of Deck the Halls standing in front of a Christmas lights covered house.Would I recommend Deck the Halls? There were some funny moments and some sweet bits. Despite the big names in the cast, it’s not the greatest Christmas movie but is fun to watch. And the ending is really pretty. In the words of my 11 year old, it was ok but not really a big plot to it.

Deck the halls ~ Christmas movie review

Food Christmas wreath

I wanted to share the food Christmas wreath I made last year.

Colourful food Christmas wreath with gingerbread people, macaroons, candy canes and a red bell.

I like bright colours, as you can probably tell, and love Christmas so I had a great time making this.

It is food themed so there are lots of gingerbread people and macaroons (shop bought decorations) with some candy cane twists, cherries and red, green and candy cane striped ribbons. I also added a red bell at the bottom. And, of course, the words Merry Christmas across the middle.

I am really proud of how it turned out – what do you think of it? I hope it wishes all my friends and family a Merry Christmas!

I haven’t decided yet on my theme for this year – any ideas?

Food Christmas wreath

What is a Hanukkah Dreidel?

In Australia, Christmas is well known (and yes we’re slightly biased about that at Love Santa!) but there are other significant events and traditions in December.

One such celebration is Hanukkah.


Also spelt Chanukah, Hanukkah means dedication. It is a Jewish celebration of lights that lasts for 8 days. While not the most significant Jewish celebration, it has increased in prominence in recent years in response to Christmas celebrations in the western world.

Hanukkah dates back to the second century BC (so about 2,200 years ago) when the Jews reclaimed their holy temple in Jerusalem back from the Greeks. There was little oil left after the Greeks left but they managed to light candles in the menorah for 8 nights. After 8 days, they had prepared a new batch of oil with appropriate rituals.

hanukkiyah - 9 candles in a menorah for HanukahTraditions include lighting one candle a day for eight days in the hanukkiah (a nine candle menorah – something like a candelabra), often putting the candles in a window or doorway, and saying certain prayers. Dishes cooked in oil are common in honour of the limited oil available at the temple – the most well known being latke (potato pancakes) and sufganya (jam filled doughnuts). It is also a time of many songs and singing.

Jewish children were once given gelt or gifts of coins to reward positive behaviour and devotion to studying the Torah. The gelt was also to encourage children to give tzedakah (charity). Over time, this resulted in foil covered chocolate coins and the giving of gifts more like Christmas presents since the late 1800s.

Hanukkah is part of the winter solstice – although it is summer for us in Australia of course! It can start on any day except Tuesday, and is on the 25th of Kislev. Kislev is a month in Jewish calendar which is lunar based, meaning Hanukkah start anytime between 28 November and 26 December in a western calendar. This year, Hanukkah begins on the evening of Sunday 28 November and ends on Monday 6 December 2021.


A wooden dreidel (spinning top) showing SHIN

Another Hanukkah tradition is playing with a dreidel.

A dreidel is a four sided spinning top. On each side is written a Hebrew letter – nun, gimmel, hei and shin. Together, these letters represent nes gadol hayah sham, “a great miracle happened there”. It is played by placing a bet on which letter the top will land on – the winner getting a pot of coins, nuts or similar.

Alternatively, Jewish children may play spin offs to see who can spin their dreidel the longest.


Cut out pattern of a dreidel (spinning top) in bright colours

The crayon’s Christmas includes a cut out dreidel to make. You can see all four sides here

What is a Hanukkah Dreidel?
Writing to Santa

Writing to Santa

This time in 7 weeks it will be Christmas Eve! So our childrens’ thoughts are heading towards writing to Santa and what they want to ask for.

Get those Santa letters started!

A child's hands and hair as she writes a letter to Santa (asking for My Little Pony)One of the most special Christmas activities or traditions is writing a letter to Santa. And if you and your children have not yet thought about these letters, now may be a good time to start…

With COVID-19, postal deliveries are much slower and that is likely to be more so as more items are posted and delivered in the lead up to Christmas. So getting letters to the North Pole (and back again if you’re lucky enough to get a reply) may take longer this year.

And if you use Santa letters for ideas on children’s gifts as well, the sooner you get those ideas the better as, again, delivery of online orders may be slow and shops may not stay fully stocked with supply chain delays.



Writing Santa’s letter

Little girl writing on a Love Santa letter template

What is so great about writing to Santa? Well, mostly it is fun!

It also teaches kids letter writing skills, literacy, and gives them something constructive to do while they wait for Santa to actually arrive!

I also find that Santa letters are a great way to lookback on your children when they were little. I have copies of their Santa letters in an album (along with letters signed Love Santa!) and my kids love looking back at what they used to want and how their writing has improved.

If you’re not sure how to start writing to Santa, you can use our Santa letter template and our writing to Santa tips. We also have some tips on making the letters extra special with colour and drawings.

Remember that the letter is from the child so let them help – whether that means they write most of it and you can’t read it, they dictate and you scribe, you write for them and they sign in, or some combination, just let them feel some ownership of the letter. And you can set the example by writing your own letter to Santa – it’s a great family activity to write letters together.

Writing to Santa
The twelve dogs of Christmas – Christmas book review

The twelve dogs of Christmas – Christmas book review

The twelve dogs of Christmas

Elizabeth’s Studio by Kevin Whitlark
Published by Milltownimages of cloth book called the twelve dogs of Christmas, as reviewed by Love Santa

Age group:

babies and toddlers


10 cloth pages*

This book, the twelve dogs of Christmas, was given to a young friend of ours and shown to me as something a bit, well strange!

The story

An animal lover’s version of the 12 days of Christmas, where we count dogs instead of days.

My review

So the text is no real surprise in that it follows the pattern of ‘on the first day my true dog sent me one…, on the second day he sent me two…’ and each day has the appropriate number of dogs given.

This is a cloth book so suitable for babies and toddlers to manipulate and chew on! It has larger pages than most cloth books, I think, but is quite thin (ie there is no real padding between the pages as some cloth books have).

At the same time, the content is a bit long for a baby or toddler so may suit older children or even adult dog lovers wanting something a little different. Of course, the pictures and the key text for each page would be enough for a toddler to follow.

The illustrations match the words, so there are six dogs playing and so forth. The dogs are cartoon drawings in full colour and quite cute.

However, some of the dogs’ actions were unexpected to say the least. For example, a ‘fat cat in a fur tree’ and ‘ten labs a’ licking’ are a little strange and ‘11 puppies pooping’ was a bit tasteless and unnecessary to my mind.

So do I recommend the Twelve Dogs of Christmas? Not really! It’s not awful or worth avoiding but I just can’t see enough value in taking the time to find it, make it or read it, frankly.


* Or can be used as 10 panels to hang on a wall or create a quilt from, apparently.

The Christmas matchmakers

promo of Christmas Matchmakers movieLast night, just for something to watch in lock down, we watched a Christmas movie that came up on our feed.

Christmas Matchmakers

Movie duration:  1 hour 27 minutes
Movie made: December 2019

I hadn’t heard anything about this movie prior to watching it – which is the way  prefer to watch movies so I can just enjoy it without any preconceptions.

Staring Anna Marie Dobbins and Andrew Rogers as executive assistants to workaholics Vivica A. Fox and Dorian Gregory, this movie shows two people coming together to make Christmas better. Wanting their bosses to enjoy Christmas so they can have some time off themselves, they try a bit of match making.

Jen & Jon from the Christmas Matchmakers

It reminded me of those movies where the kids try and match make their parents, like The Parent Trap and It takes two. Overall, it is a sweet movie, although a bit saccharine sweet with overly smilely characters. And yes it predictably has a happy ending…

Owen and Kate in the Christmas Matchmakers

There were a couple of weird bits that stood out to me. Namely, why did two people working for executives in different companies end up having offices next to each other? And the expensive housing for two young people struggling to start their careers was a bit unrealistic.

However, I disliked the overreaction of the young male lead when the woman he liked wanted to take it slow – it felt very wrong to have him yell at her for ‘knowing what you were doing to me’, and not apologise for it. Jon’s behaviour here was disrespectful and it was out of sync with the feel of the movie.

I actually found the two bosses more interesting and engaging than the two main characters.

Would I recommend this movie? Well I certainly won’t bother watching it again. But it fits most of the criteria for a light hearted, easy-watching movie, other than Jon’s tantrums.

The Christmas matchmakers
Love Santa - www.lovesanta.com.au


Order Cut Off Dates

Please note that Love Santa letters need to be ordered before December 18 to be delivered before Christmas!

Order now to be sure of delivery before Christmas. Keep an eye on our blog for final ordering days as we get close to Christmas Eve.


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Under no circumstances, not even under threat of having to fill in for Santa on Christmas Eve, will your details of any kind be given, sold or lent to any other party.