Welcome to the Love Santa Blog

We share lots of Christmas related ideas, recipes and crafts in the Love Santa blog. You are welcome to comment or submit your own Christmas stories, too.

When do you wrap presents?

I’ve heard many people say they’re up late on Christmas Eve wrapping loads of presents, so I’m curious – when do you wrap your presents?

Do you make an event of it – getting the family together, having some nibbles and drinks and music as you work – or is it just something that gets done?

How cool is chalk Santa?

 Imagine posting a letter to Santa and looking down into his workshop below! 

 At least you’d know he got your letter very soon – although reading it may take him a little logner as he gets LOTS of letters every day.

I came across this picture in an email and fell in love with it. It is really a chalk drawing on the footpath – there is no hole in the ground to see Santa, and we all knows Santa lives in the north pole anyway – but I love the thought and the drawing itself is amazing!  



 * I would love to attribute this to the right person but I only know the creator as ‘The Chalk Guy’. If anyone has his name, or a link to his site if he has one, please let me know.

Simple gifts

Like many people, we’re trying to keep Christmas under control this year, financially speaking. I’d love to say money isn’t important, but we have a limited supply of it so we have to limit our gift giving accordingly. Our choice is to be as creative as we can so we still give gifts to please our loved ones.

Anyway, here’s a couple of our gift ideas in case they help others who are struggling with what to give this year:

  • buy cheap items and let the kids decorate them for grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. For example, cheap photo frames, plant pots, candles and storage jars make unique and special gifts with some time and little money
  • buy a few bits and pieces and put them in a nice bag – it tends to be cheaper than buying the pretty hampers you see in big stores
  • buy some beads and elastic and let the kids make necklaces, etc for the girls in your family (and boys if they would like it!)
  • cut, sand and paint some offcuts of wood – an instant set of building blocks any toddler will appreciate knocking over! Put them in a bucket or bag and you’re done – much more environmentally friendly than plastic blocks, too
  • cut some cardboard into gift cards and fold in half. Get the kids or someone artistic to decorate the cards for multiple occasions and you have a set of cards to give as a gift – remember that people pay $15 or more for a few nice cards to store away

Not only are we saving money, we’re also having fun making things and teaching our kids it is the giving with love that counts, not the price tags. I bet we aren’t the only ones being creative and we’d love to hear other people’s ideas, too – please?

Online, Australian Advent Calendar

I just came across an advent calendar on an Australian site so I thought I’d share it because it’s such a good idea!

They share gift tags, colouring pages and so on day by day to keep little people occupied in the build up to Santa’s arrival.

Today’s item isn’t ready yet, but there are some cute images on day 2 and gift tags on day 6.

Get your tongue around…

… some Christmas tonguetwisters!

Can you say these 3 or 5 times really fast? And still be understood!

Santa’s sister Samantha sits sedately in the shiny sleigh.

Cathy craves Christmas cake covered in custard.

Elves enjoy entertaining and emptying elegant envelopes.

Penny’s pleased with piles of presents.

Have fun!

Where to host Christmas?

I’ve never spent Christmas Day anywhere but at a relative’s home. I understand that a restaurant appeals to some people, but it has never come up for our family gatherings and I’ve been happy with that.

This year, my in laws are due to host it (it swaps between two houses usually) but for health reasons they are less able to do so. So we were going to host it but we have some space issues (plus quite a few things on our plate) and my partner suggested we hire the local hall instead.

I’m torn between the two options and would love to hear other people’s opinions please…


  • convenient & can’t forget anything
  • need to do lots of tidying etc
  • places for babies to sleep (especially mine!)


  • have to pay to hire it
  • have to pack stuff (cutlery, tablecloths, decorations, etc)
  • lots of space (indoors and out) & parking
  • multiple toilets
  • will have to clean everything up that night – including taking rubbish with us
  • no dishwasher

Either way, I’ll have to do lots of cooking and kids will need supervision outside.

Has anybody hosted Christmas but in another venue? How did it go?

Writing to Santa

Santa loves getting letters from children around the world, and they come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours – some even come with pictures. Santa is very generous and clever enough to read all sorts of writing and languages, but I thought some tips might make it easier to write as well as easier for Santa to read.

two children writing letters to Santa while wearing Santa hats

Dressing for Christmas makes letter writing even more fun!

Letter writing tips

When writing to Santa

  • remember to start with Santa’s name – maybe Dear Santa or Hello Santa
  • ask for things nicely – even Santa gives more when people use please and thank you
  • finish with your name – Santa has too many children on his lists to know who wrote it without your name on it!
  • let Santa know you’ll leave him a snack
  • ask Mum or Dad to make a copy of your letter as you might like to read it again when you’re grown up or someone might make a beautiful scrapbooking page with your letter and Santa’s answer
  • use your best writing and maybe get Mum or Dad to draw some lines for you to write on
  • have fun! You can write in red or green, or use lots of colours – it’s Christmas after all!
  • think about writing something that isn’t about presents you want – maybe ask Santa how he is, tell him about your Christmas plans, thank him for last year’s gifts, ask what his favourite colour or book is, or tell him a joke (Santa does love to laugh!)

If you have a little brother or sister, maybe you could write a letter for them, too.

And on behalf of Santa, thank you for writing to him!


PS  We have a free template you can use to help write a Santa letter 🙂

Tips on ordering Santa letters

Santa is such a busy man, especially leading up to Christmas, that he sometimes gets other people to help him. I feel very lucky and honoured to help Santa write his letters for Australian children.Girl eading Love Santa letter to baby

So I can do the best job ever for Santa and for his children, here are some ideas on how to best tell me about your special child(ren).

  • only use capital letters for things that need them – names and places need capitals but most toys don’t
  • write to the child rather than about them (you were kind to Mary, trying hard with your writing, playing nicely with John and Betty, and so on)
  • use a nickname if you want – Santa isn’t formal!
  • list presents the child really does want (and you’re happy for them to have! Santa DOES pay attention to requests remember) rather than what you want for them
  • think about the whole year but remember young children won’t remember as much from months ago
  • order a different background design than last year – it’s more fun and brightens up the scrapbook or wherever the child keeps their letters
  • asking for the same letter wording for siblings may make the letters feel less personal, so let Santa write something different for each of them

Remember, Santa letters are about fun and acknowledging children’s achievements and improvements so make sure you have fun and enjoy the process, too!

Chocolate Christmas Trees

Takes about 50 miniutes ot make, but they look so cool!


250 g plain sweet biscuits
2 tbsp cocoa
1 cup desicated coconut
150 – 200g white chocolate for decoration.
150g dark chocolate pieces, hundreds & thousands, or choc sprinkles for decoration as well.


combine buicuit crumbs with cocoa!

 Now add your cocoanut and sweet condensed milk.

Put cling wrap on them and put in fridge for 20-25 minutes

than shape them into fir tree shapes (cones really)

Now drissle melted white choclate  all  over(as your tinsel) and decorate with your delicous hundreads and thousands or choclate sprinkles (as your other decorations on your tree).

if you have some star stickers or icing shapes, put one on each tree to finish it off.

Ummmmmmmmmm,a quick,yummy and fun activity to do with your kids – maybe give as presents, too.  The trees, not the kids!)

Christmas Trees to eat!

These are a yummy snack for Santa but can also be wrapped to make a nice gift 🙂


250g butter
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg
2 1/2 cups plain flour
1/2 cup cornflour or custard powder
1/3 cup cocoa
1 tablespoon milk
200 g milk chocolate
100g white chocolate
round lollies (e.g. mini marshmallows, mini smarties)
icypole sticks (at least 12)


  1. cream butter, sugar & vanilla
  2. add egg
  3. mix well
  4. add cocoa, flours & milk
  5. mix well
  6. wrap mix in plastic and cool for at least 30 minutes
  7. cut out 24 Christmas tree (or other biscuit cutter shapes always even number of each shape)
  8. put in 180 C over for 15 minutes
  9. cool on tray
  10. spread melted milk chocolate on biscuits
  11. press icy pole stick in chocolate
  12. place matching shape biscuit on top
  13. let chocolate set in fridge
  14. melt white chocolate
  15. use piping bag or paint brush to create chocolate ‘garlands’ on trees
  16. use lollies to create Christmas balls on trees
  17. allow chocolate to set before storing or wrapping

* Makes about a dozen trees if you have a 12cm long biscuit cutter. Will make more or less depending on your biscuit cutter.

* It’s fun to make different Christmas shapes and give a couple together as a gift…

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Santa has visited Australia and is now busily delivering presents in the northern hemisphere. It is Christmas Day and we wish you the merriest of days, with lots of love and laughter.


Merry Christmas Australia!

Love Santa - www.lovesanta.com.au


Order Cut Off Dates

Please note that Love Santa letters need to be ordered before December 18 to be delivered before Christmas!

Order now to be sure of delivery before Christmas. Keep an eye on our blog for final ordering days as we get close to Christmas Eve.


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Under no circumstances, not even under threat of having to fill in for Santa on Christmas Eve, will your details of any kind be given, sold or lent to any other party.