Welcome to the Love Santa Blog

We share lots of Christmas related ideas, recipes and crafts in the Love Santa blog. You are welcome to comment or submit your own Christmas stories, too.

Christmas elves cooking biscuits

Elves cooking biscuits! Tinkles and Ginger were sitting on the kitchen bench this morning, having apparently made a batch of biscuits!

Christmas elf and baby elf beside a tray of biscuits on a tray

The elves used their own mixer, spoon, rolling pin and biscuits tray, but also got out our mixing bowl and Christmas spoons so we took that as a hint to also cook some biscuits today! We made some passionfruit Christmas biscuits and they are yummy! They will be a nice snack for our last week of school lunches, if I can keep everyone from eating them all today!

Have your elves encouraged you to do some Christmas activity this year?

CHristmas elf sitting beside a tray of choc chip biscuits

Christmas elves cooking biscuits

Christmas elf hygiene!

This morning the kids found our Christmas elves pretty quickly as they are in the bathroom cupboard (door open) as Tinkles cleans Ginger’s teeth! It’s good to know that elf hygiene includes cleaning teeth 🙂 

Christmas elf holding baby elf and a toothbrush to clean the baby's teeth

The top part of an electric toothbrush makes a good size toothbrush for Tinkles to hold!

While I think it’s great after all those doughnuts and a sugary shopping list, the kids are a bit perturbed at cleaning Ginger’s teeth for 24 hours straight! There is good hygiene and then there is excessive cleaning…

I wonder if Ginger will start singing “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” at some point?

Christmas elf hygiene!

Gone fishin’!

Today we found our Christmas elves had gone fishin’!

Tinkles and Ginger were both istting by the blue

Gone Fishin' - Christmas elves holding a fishing rod in front of a blue dish of water

And later found Tinkles proudly sitting in the herb garden with the fish she caught! Is she planning basil and tomato with her fish dinner tonight I wonder?!

Christmas elf sitting amongst basil plants with a fishing rod and fish

Gone fishin\'!

An elf library

Christmas books and reading them with your family is a great  element of Christmas.

A number of people do a book advent calendar – like we did last year with a daily book.

However, I came across a new idea called an Elf Library. By having lots of Christmas books on display, the elves have a little home to enjoy between their antics and everyone is reminded to read Christmas books! I think Fleur has come up with a great idea and she was happy to share the idea and her photos with us.

Display of many CHristmas picture books and some elves with a sign "Elf Library"

We have reviewed quite a few of those books, but there are certainly some others there we have yet to try! What are your family’s favourite Christmas books?

display of Christmas picture books


The books shown here include:


An elf library

Christmas elves and sugary shopping!

So it appears Tinkles and Ginger got hungry last night, or just decided they wanted to have a party, as they have written a shopping list for some sugary shopping, and flicked through some sweet and chocolate recipes overnight.

Christmas elf holding a green texta and writing a shopping list of sugary treats!

Ginger sitting a in a star biscuit cutter may also be a hint towards some Christmas cooking!

The elves’ shopping list reads – lollies, chocolate, ice-cream, gingerbread, candy canes and Smarties (I have used correct spelling to make it easier to read! The elves are still learning their spelling, as this list clearly shows!)

Christmas elf holding a green texta and writing a sugary shopping list!

I’m sure most kids would be happy for that sugary shopping trip, but what do you think the odds are of us following Tinkles’ list today? However, there is some chance of making a rich walnut fudge or cherry chocolate pudding soon!

Christmas elves and sugary shopping!

Taking Santa photos

I really enjoyed the delight my daughter showed this morning when she found Tinkles taking Santa photos of her baby and Ginger, the baby elf!

Christmas elf taking a Santa photo with a baby elf and a large doll

Like yesterday, Santa was holding Ginger for the photo, posing beside the baby in our house, with tinsel at their feet – it is actually a cute Santa photo (and not a mask in sight!) I would have loved a Santa photo this cure for my own children as babies!

Santa sitting on bench holding a baby elf beside a doll

Tinkles’ camera looks to be a good one – it even has a flash but that was too hard to get photos of!

Christmas elf sitting behind a black camera on a stand

What was your elf up to this morning?

Taking Santa photos

Elves decorating the Christmas tree

So who is decorating the Christmas tree in your house this year?

This morning Tinkles was in a container of Christmas baubles (as she liked my decorating and wanted to add to my part of the tree, according to my son!)…

Christmas elf sitting in a bauble container

But after school we noticed that Tinkles was holding two baubles and sitting in our Christmas tree!

Well it’s nice that Tinkles is interested in decorating the Christmas tree as my kids are less enthusiastic than they once were!

A Christmas elf sitting in a Christmas tree whilst holding two silver baubles - ready for decorating the Christmas tree!

Meanwhile, Ginger was sitting in Santa’s arms under the tree… I guess they were supervising Tinkles decorating the tree!

Happy Santa sitting on a chair with a green sack and a baby elf

Elves decorating the Christmas tree

Dear Santa, Tinkles reads a book

This morning we found Tinkles sitting in a serving bowl reading Dear Santa 🙂

a CHristmas elf reading a picture book, Dear Santa

Dear Santa is a lift the flap book by Rod Campbell that goes through potential gifts in the process of finding the perfect present. We’ve had this book for a while now and still enjoy it! I wonder if Tinkles is planning what to add to her own Dear Santa present list...

There is always extra excitement when Ginger is not with Tinkles, as we still have the challenge of finding our other Christmas elf!  However, she was quickly found amongst a colourful display of Gerberas.

baby CHristmas elf lying on a pink gerbera amongst other gerberas baby CHristmas elf lying on a pink gerbera amongst other gerneras

How often do you have to search for multiple Christmas elves in separate hiding spots?

Dear Santa, Tinkles reads a book

Christmas elves camping!

This morning we found Tinkles and Gingers outside the back door on our back deck again, snuggled up together in a sleeping bag in their tent!

And like good little elves, they even took their own toilet paper with them!

It is making us all itch to go camping soon, though!

Christmas elves camping!

Tinkles playing pandemic

It was easy to find our Christmas elves, Tinkles and Ginger, this morning as they were on the floor in the family room, and pretty hard to miss! Tinkles was playing Pandemic with some friends, with quite a few infections around the world.

An angel and a Christmas elf called Tinkles playing the pandemic board game with some dolls on a wooden floor

Meanwhile, Ginger the baby elf was napping in the game box, wrapped in a face mask instead of a blanket!

We were impressed to see that Sydney had the only research centre and no outbreaks!An angel and a Christmas elf called Tinkles playing the pandemic board game, with a baby elf napping in the box

Playing Pandemic

box for the Pandemic board game - a team game of infection, outbreaks, and research for a cure. And it's not about 2020!My son loves board games, especially those that require some strategy and thought. For his birthday this year, he received the game Pandemic which obviously fits 2020… However, Pandemic was first released in 2008 so is not COVID-19 related – apparently it was based on the SARS outbreak in 2002.

The game is based on four viruses spreading through the world, with two to four players trying to find a cure before the outbreaks take over. Each player has a specific role (Tinkles was the medic whilst the dolls were a scientist and a contingency planner) and they have to work together to fight the outbreaks and look for a cure. I love that this game means everyone wins – or everyone loses.

Playing Pandemic is fun and requires thought and strategy. It teaches some geography as well as terms like pandemic, immunity, vaccines and research.

There have been some expansions to the game (shhh, my son may just get one of these for Christmas!) – On the Brink (the first and most popular) and State of Emergency add more players and options – and there are some alternative scenarios available, too.  Z-Man Games have also created some spin off games such as Pandemic Legacy, Pandemic Hot Zone (released July 2020 and based in North America), the Fall of Rome and Contagion (a card based version).



Tinkles playing pandemic

Elves in Spoonville

Do your elves sometimes hide or play outside of your house?

Generally, our Christmas elves, Tinkles and Ginger, can be found in our home – there was the one exception when Tinkles was on the cubby roof! – so it did take a while for the elves to be found this morning… They were sitting in a plant pot just outside our back door with their own Christmassy version of Spoonville!

Two Christmas elves sitting in a pot plant with various spoons stuck upright - a personalised Spoonville!

Just as well there is no rain expected today, my son said!

Elves in Spoonville
Love Santa - www.lovesanta.com.au


Order Cut Off Dates

Please note that Love Santa letters need to be ordered before December 18 to be delivered before Christmas!

Order now to be sure of delivery before Christmas. Keep an eye on our blog for final ordering days as we get close to Christmas Eve.


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Under no circumstances, not even under threat of having to fill in for Santa on Christmas Eve, will your details of any kind be given, sold or lent to any other party.