How it works
1. Choose a letter background your child will like
2. Go to our online order form to fill in the details for one to four children* using the letter details form
3. Sit back and let us do the rest!
* Please repeat step two if you have more than four children to order for.

A note from Santa:
I get very busy leading up to Christmas, and I also try to get some rest before my big trip on Christmas Eve. It is sad, but I find it very hard to write letters to all the lovely girls and boys, even those who write to me.
So I have asked some lovely people who write things all the time (that means they are good at it because they get lots of practice) to help me. In Australia, I have a special writer write letters that suit your hot climate as I always feel too cold to think about your sunny Christmas parties.
Of course, I check the letters to be sure they are appropriate and only go to the children on my ‘nice list’.
I feel very lucky to have found someone who writes letters to delight the children I love, and I hope you are lucky enough to read one of our letters soon.
Love Santa
P.S. In case you are curious about the professional writer who is helping me, I asked her to write you a letter, too…

A note from Tash:
Hi everyone,
my name is Tash and I am very proud to help Santa with his Australian letters each year. Santa first asked me to help in 2002 and I was very nervous about filling such big shoes! Especially as Santa is one of only four people who know everything (according to my daughter anyway!)
I am a professional writer (I write things for businesses mostly, but also stories and fun stuff) and I live in Melbourne with my husband, three daughters and son.
Christmas and Santa are very special to me, and I love the magic that surrounds this time of year. If writing some letters for Santa helps keep that magic alive and brightens some little faces then I feel I have achieved something significant.
Please enjoy my articles, the personalised letters and most of all, have a very merry and safe Christmas!
Love Tash, Santa’s Letter Elf
PS The other 3 people to know everything are Mrs Claus, the Easter Bilby and the Easter Bilby’s wife!

A note from Gerald:
Hi All,
a few years ago Santa asked me to help Tash with the letters. I am a Scientist / trained Secondary Teacher / IT person so this was a surprising request from Santa but also a good one.
Becoming Letter Elf #2 has made it even harder for me to get my Christmas shopping done on time, probably added to my grey hair (but that’s better than going bald!) and generally kept me very busy in November and December. Helping Santa is certainly a business but is also very much a pleasure for Tash and I to be helping you help your kids have a more joyful Christmas.
Gerald, Santa’s Letter Elf #2

And you don’t have to wait until December to share the fun of Santa!!
Personalised letters from Santa can be created for mid-year Christmas celebrations or for special letters during the year.
Current examples are:
Christmas in July – letters for fun and a reminder to be good for goodness sake!
Congratulations – letters where Santa acknowledges something extra special he has noticed during the year
Christmas lead up – positive letters in early November to remind children to be good for Santa and give them gift and activity ideas so they can share the Christmas spirit in December.

Order Cut Off Dates
Please note that Love Santa letters need to be ordered before December 15 to be delivered before Christmas!
Order now to be sure of delivery before Christmas. Keep an eye on our blog for final ordering days as we get close to Christmas Eve.
Privacy Policy
Under no circumstances, not even under threat of having to fill in for Santa on Christmas Eve, will your details of any kind be given, sold or lent to any other party.