Writing to Santa

Writing to Santa
by Tash Hughes of Love Santa

Collage of photos of chidlren writing letters to Santa

Christmas is coming and that means it is time to write a letter to Santa!

If you haven’t written a lot of letters before, it might be a bit scary to start writing to Santa so here are some ideas to make it a nice letter.

  • It is good manners to start your letter with “Dear Santa” or “Hello Santa”
  • Think of something nice to write to Santa – a good letter shows you care about the other person, not just you. Maybe tell him a joke or a story, wish him a Merry Christmas or let him know where you’ll be on Christmas Eve
  • You might want to thank Santa for last Christmas, even if you sent a thank you letter in January
  • Use your best writing
  • Use lined paper or get Mum or Dad to draw some lines for you (if they draw in pencil you can rub the lines out later if you want to)
  • If you aren’t sure how to spell something, try your best or maybe ask Mum or Dad for help. Santa is pretty good at understanding words even if they have mistakes
  • For hard words or if you can’t write yet, draw some pictures
  • Remember your manners and ask Santa for presents – don’t just tell give him a list of things. So maybe “Could I please get…” or “If you are bringing me presents, I would really like…”
  • Make the letter look nice – Santa loves any letter but one that looks nice makes his smile bigger!
  • It is your letter to Santa so write what you want to and don’t worry about what anyone else would think
  • When you’ve finished, make sure you add your name at the end – it is nice to write an ending, too. My name is Tash so I could end the letter with “Love Tash” or “from Tash” or even “from your friend, Tash”


One fun idea is to get a copy of your letter (you might need Mum or Dad to photocopy, scan or photograph it) so you can put it in an album with Christmas photos and memories. It is a lot of fun to read the letters again when you are bigger.

The main thing is to have some fun and send Santa a message. It’s up to you how long your letter is and what you write.



Tash is honoured to help Santa write personalised letters for Aussie kids each Christmas. You can find a Dear Santa template at Love Santa, a safe place online where people share their stories and traditions to celebrate the magic of Christmas. Simply complete an online form with some details about your child, and they’ll get an individual letter relating to a hot Australian Christmas and listing their good deeds. All letters are written by professional writer Tash Hughes. This article is copyright by Tash Hughes, 2011, but may be reproduced in full as long as nothing is changed and this bio box is included.